So this weekend, we had the lucky chance to spend the weekend with scottie....
Friday, Lisa and me headed to Chicos pad to hang out and wait for the boston-ite to arrive...
Friday night we went to an indian restaurant on Elgin Avenue. Considering we were the only ones in the restauratnt the entire time we were there, the food was surprisingly good. Followed this up with Chico taking us to a pub near by. Never thought i'd be going to Chico for advice on pubs to go out to.
Sat started out with baskie for me and Chico. Again, I was pretty buggered by the end of it - 2 hours inside a pretty hot gym. Feet were wrecked, but glad that I got to run around. Gave lisa a call and we met up with her at Nandos for lunch. The afternoon, we decided to go see Serenity - wanted to compare it to the 90% version we saw back home. It was just as good the 2nd time round, if not better! and i'm glad that Chico loved it too. Will try and copy the episodes I have on DIVX to DVD for him.
Sat night, we met up with Ev & Al - it was Al's farewell, which is a shame that he was heading back home... fitty expensive bar in SOHO. Round of drinks (for 3 people) cost 18 pounds!! guess we were paying for the atmosphere. got relatively drunk,

Sunday, scottie headed back to Boston, and Lisa, Chico and me decided to do a bit of sight seeing, and check out the london eye.