Sunday, March 12, 2006

White Wedding

Photos can be found at:

Firstly, so glad to see such an amazingly loving and happy couple get together - Damian and Bonnie certainly seem made for each other, and the weekend at the camp was the perfect destination for a beautiful event like this to occur.

So, lets get straight into the highlights from the wedding weekend in San Diego:

1. Chrisso and Scottie singing during open mic night on the Friday night at the camp – pure gold performance (file is aout 3.5mb, and can be downloaded at

2. Ben and James arriving at midnight Friday night to surprise Collins (they flew in from London).

3. Many snow fights to be had on the Saturday and Sunday. Collins had some body boards, and some others had sleds, etc so we were also able to do a whole heap of tobogganing. Having races down the snow, going head first – there was even a drunken late night session on the Saturday night at around 2am.

4. Speeches – Firstly, Judie, and Chrisso/Cheah represented the regulators with some awesome heart felt speeches. Collins dad, and Bonnies Dad going tag team with some funny and very cool speeches.

5. Bonnie and Collins looking absolutely awesome for their ceremony (who ever thought a Hippy could scrub up so good!). Bonnie’s dress was very bohemian (I think that’s the right word??) and the ceremony had a lot of love and closeness to it. Although, seeing Ben with a beer at the back of the crowd also added the reminder that we were at the hippys wedding!

6. Hate to admit it, but the food was pretty damn good all weekend (Collins/bonnie – hats off once again to the awesome cooking staff at camp stevens).

7. All the regulators (those without kids) sleeping in the one camp room. Had a bit of the cruise feel to it, with us all in bunk beds. Scotties already mentioned the little snow incident, so no need to cover that one again. Chris did describe Cheahs reaction as comparable to an egg in a blender.

8. The road trip up to camp stevens. Highlighted with the stop 30 minutes out, with no sign off snow, pulling into an auto store to buy snow chains. A debate then raged as to whether we would need chains or not. We were in a bit of disbelief that there would even be any snow. Who believes what locals have to say, right? In the end, we made it to/from camp stevens without chains, although we did end up buying them.

9. Cheah lighting it up on the dance floor while simultaneously being appalled at the lack of dance ability of the girls he was trying to pickup (Poppa Bear: "If you want to know how to blow a sure thing, just ask me.")

10. The inauguration of the Bear Council ( A system by where every regulator had a name of the format "some adjective" - Bear. For examplePoppa Bear (Cheah), Pooh Bear (A-Mac), Judgment Bear (Judie) and ML Bear(Chrisso).

11. Judgment Bear (Lis') making social commentary on the sexual orientation of hippy camp councilors.

12. Us ditching Chrisso at the reception with 'the Smurf' (a petite younglassie in a very blue dress) who then went on to make her amorous intentions clear, forcing Chrisso to literally run away when she went to change a CD.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mate from one Aussie dread head to another Congratulations on your wedding, you look like you all had the most fantastic time. Cam and I are stoked we are able to watch your video and enjoy your beautiful day with you. Bonnie looks stunning - with a smile to die for... We are so happy you found someone to share your life with.